Stories from Birth Moms

Stories from Birth Moms 

Experience the power of transformation and hope when you read these inspiring stories from women who have faced an unplanned pregnancy.


prayingpregwoman.jpgPregnancy and abortion 

A Birth Mom’s Story: A Friend who sticks close 

A Birth Mom’s Story: Could I consider abortion? 


Pregnancy and abuse

A Birth Mom’s Story: My Friend Gave Me Courage to Carry My Baby to Term

Pregnancy and college 

A Birth Mom’s Story: A tremendous privilege 

A Birth Mom’s Story: Healing is possible

A Birth Mom’s Story: God is in any situation I face


Pregnancy and depression 

A Birth Mom’s Story: God loved me through my Friend


Pregnancy and fear 

A Birth Mom’s Story: Fear is overcome with love


Pregnancy and giving back

 A Birth Mom’s Story: How I became a Friend


Pregnancy and guys

One Woman’s Story: Guy Friend Helps Birth Father Choose Life


Pregnancy and rape

A Birth Mom’s Story: The blessing of bringing a life into the world



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