Talk With a Call Counselor

Pregnant?  We’re here for you.

woman on phone 2Don’t go through this alone.  We care.  And we can help.

When you call our 24/7 helpline (toll-free at 1 (844) 772-4784), you’ll speak with a caring Birthmothers call counselor.

Here’s what happens when you call:

  • you can share as much or as little as you choose
  • your call is confidential
  • our call counselor listens
  • our call counselor explains our Friends program
  • you may choose to be matched with a Friend right away, or you may choose to wait
  • you choose how you’d like to be contacted
  • you can expect to be contacted within 24 – 48 hours by your new Friend
  • you define your Friend relationship according to your needs — whether it becomes intensely personal, just an occasional call for information, or anything in between.

Call Now

Toll-free 1 (844) 772-4784 from anywhere

There is no cost. There is no obligation.
Your call is confidential. You don’t have to give any information you don’t want to give.
We will help as much or as little as you want. But, you have to make the first call.

Partners and family members of pregnant women, we’re here for you too.

We’ll be a Friend.

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