About Us


Birthmother Ministries, Inc. (Birthmothers®) is a faith-based, nonprofit organization dedicated to providing nonjudgmental assistance to any woman or family member facing an unplanned pregnancy.

Pregnant women, partners and family members in crisis most often lack a compassionate advocate who will stand with them long-term, no matter what the circumstances. Birthmothers provides the missing link that hurting women and families need so desperately.

friends15.201x300.jpgWe offer a Friend

A Birthmothers Friend is a caring, trained volunteer matched one-on-one with a pregnant woman, her partner or family member.  A Friend listens and provides confidential, nonjudgmental emotional support and encouragement as long as the client needs or chooses.

We offer practical support

A Birthmothers Friend connects each client with practical assistance and resource information as needed, including –

• pregnancy testing, pregnancy care center services, medical referrals
• legal aid
• adoption information and services
• counseling, peer support groups, and post-abortion counseling
• transportation, food, maternity and infant clothing, baby furniture and equipment
• parenting classes
• Hispanic services
• abstinence programs
• job opportunities
• temporary and transitional housing
• other social services

We offer emotional and spiritual support

No matter what a woman’s circumstances, she is a precious and valuable individual. She can experience God’s adoptive love personally.  Birthmothers Friends reflect the unconditional love of Jesus Christ to every client we serve.

That’s why the Birthmothers ministry motto is derived from Proverbs 17:17: A Friend Loves At All Times™.



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